Sunday, September 10, 2006

So much to do

Emily and are constantly making little to do lists. Today it was cupcake recipes, iPod playlists, grocery shopping and ceremony service research. We've had a difficult time finding a ceremony template that we like. Neither of us are religious and we both tend not to go in for overly flowery or sentimental language. We had a couple of breakthroughs in this department in the last two days though, so we're closing in on something I think we'll be happy with.

We've also discovered that while we have a large and diverse collection of music to choose from for the reception, we don't have as much up-tempo stuff as we thought. Our dinner/mingling playlist is all set, but the later on, "gittin' jiggy" part of the party is where we're falling short. You know, we're, like, trying to keep it real up in the feel and stuff, but our musical tastes tend to run toward the slower, sadder, darker, weepier side. It's okay though, we have friends who are not so rythmically challenged that we can call on for help.

Our first out-of-town guests start arriving on Tuesday. Much left to do, but soon the fun begins....

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Two more weeks

It's September! Emily is having a little impromtu bridal shower at our friend Galandrielle's place tomorrow. We picked up our wedding bands yesterday and I almost left them on the counter at the Borders cafe!

This week we are going to start thinking about seating at the reception but I'm wondering how necessary that step is. Every wedding I've ever been to has assigned seating and I assume there's some practical reason for it but I'm not sure what that is. We know who's coming, we have enough seats... why can't people just figure it out on their own? I guess it might be kind of fun to force different people to sit near each other who otherwise might not...

Also on our agenda this week: picking music for the reception. We'll have a few playlists ready for the iPod. Any suggestions? Mo Macarena or Chicken Dance at this wedding.